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Squat Checklist

In this checklist, we will talk about all the most common squat mistakes we see at the gyms

we will talk about how to fix them. This is a simple and easy-to-apply checklist is designed to prevent unnecessary injuries in the gym. Take the time to go through the checklist and after that, you are welcome to enter our YouTube video to learn more about the squat.

The bar should be at chest height before you start the squat and use braces.

More than once we have seen that trainees start with the pole above shoulder height, and in order to lift the pole they had to be on their tiptoes. There is no problem with that at the beginning of the set, but towards the end of the set when it is already difficult, you can easily miss the desired height and injure yourself.

How many times do we see trainees trying to impress or being lazy to put braces on their pole?
It is Enough that you will lose your balance when you are going down or up in the squat and, you can easily fly to the sides because the weights have moved away.

Before entering the squat, create pressure on the upper body and lower body.

When you approach squat, be prepared. Your body needs to create pressure, or in other words, create tension.

Not only will the bar feel lighter on your shoulders, but you will also reduce your chances of getting injured while lifting the barbell.

Holding the pole while squatting.

There are 2 grips. The first is with the thumb above the pole, and the second is with the thumb below the pole. Feel free to try with these grips, and choose what feels more comfortable for you. When you place the bar on your shoulders, you should pull the bar down with your hands (with the bar on your shoulders) without changing the position of the bar and slightly inwards.

Lifting the bar with the legs correctly.

Do not lift the bar with one foot forward and one foot back. When you lift the bar you should be in a squat position and from there lift. Thus the chance of losing balance is significantly small.

Deep Breathing and Muscle Combination

Once you lift the barbell or start to squat with the barbell, take a deep breath into the abdomen and activate all the core muscles to stabilize the body.

Take a few steps back

This is a pretty obvious step for most trainees, but we’ll write it down anyway. Take a few steps back. You do not want to squat and your rod will hurt things.

Proper stand on the floor

After you are with the bar on your shoulders, it is time to position yourself correctly with your feet on the floor towards the squat.
The general recommendation is to stand with your feet and your toes facing slightly outward. Not completely parallel just slightly external angle. There will be some that will be comfortable with a larger outer angle.

Knees slightly turned outwards.

To prevent the internal collapse of the knee, take the knee to a position where it will not collapse inward by turning the knee slightly outward.

Feet fastened to the floor

Make sure that your toes and foot are fastened to the floor.

if you liked this type of article, you would 100% love this article about the guidelines for a good fitness plan.
if anything is not clear you can send us a message via Whatsapp or Instagram.

we hope we helped you with your squat 🙂

Good luck!

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