למה לשמנים יותר קשה לרדת במשקל

Why is it harder for fat people to lose weight?

Have you ever wondered why it is easier / harder for you to lose weight than other people? This article can help you understand a number of critical things.

Let’s start with the hamburger in the picture.

For both the fat person and the muscular person, the number of calories in a hamburger will be the same. The calories stay the same. So why, in fact, do some people eat a hamburger and do not gain weight, and on the other hand some people eat and immediately gain weight? We will focus on two main principles.

The first principle is the caloric balance.

Some people will eat the hamburger as their only meal of the day, and most likely they will be in a state of calorie deficit. There are those who will eat the hamburger as the third or fourth meal and will probably be on the positive calorie balance. Which means they will gain weight. If you did not understand what is written in the paragraph, enter the article on calorie balance, it will shed some light on the subject.

The second principle is

That naturally, muscle burns more calories than fat. Even at rest, the muscle burns more calories at rest. For example, we will take two people who are wight and hight are exactly the same. One weighs 110 pounds and has about 40% fat. The other one also weighs 110 pounds but has about 10% fat. The second person is much more muscular than the first person. This means that naturally, the second person burns a lot more calories even if he does nothing.
We will expand this even further and say that if person A and person B, eat the same meals every day and have a very similar agenda, the second person will lose weight faster / gain weight more slowly than the first person.

Who do you think will look bigger if you will see him on the street, person A or B?
We will help you with the answer and tell you that most likely, person A will look bigger.

Because a pound of muscle is bigger than a pound of fat.(Https://www.google.com/search?q=kg+of+muscle+vs+kg+of+fat&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS786US786&sxsrf=ALeKk02QjUA_PmbdpOarMi0SsFaXvE1Yrw:1597922055293&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjW2u_D06nrAhVIyhoKHS0iAA4Q_AUoAXoECA4QAw&biw=1366&bih=657)If you want to see Visually, follow the link.

looks over weight

This is the main reason why when we start a process of weight loss, it is unnecessary to look at the weight. We may very well look thinner but the weight will show that we have gained weight. Because we have increased the amount of muscle and lowered the amount of muscle.
At first, in a good fitness program, you will notice a physical change but you will not necessarily notice a difference in weight. This is what needs to happen for a greater weight loss later on. In a good program, we would like to use muscle built to deepen the caloric deficit without changing our diet. If you really want to, you can start training at home.

Hope you enjoyed and learned from the article 🙂

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and if you want to start it for yourself, try our 21 day challenge.

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to contact us on our WhatsApp or our Instagram.

Good luck! 🙂

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